
Description and Responsibilities

The Secretary-Treasurer shall have charge of all monies of the Association. (S)he shall keep such books as may be necessary for the duties of his/her office, which at all times shall be open to the Board of Directors. Annually (s)he shall prepare a report and a budget in detail in coordination with the Executive Director. (S)he shall ensure that all tax documents are filled with the State and Federal Authorities. As often as required by the Board of Directors, (s)he shall report on all monies collected, expended or invested, all outstanding obligations of the Association, and such other matters as may be deemed to be in connection with his/her office. The Secretary-Treasurer shall ensure the accuracy of and keep a record of the minutes of all meetings of the Board of Directors and Executive committee and arrange with the executive director to have a copy of same issued in a prompt and orderly fashion to all board members within 14 days of the meeting. Eligible candidates for the office are active members who are current and former Board members.  The Board of Directors may delegate duties of the Secretary-Treasurer to the Executive Director of the Corporation. The Secretary-Treasurer position will be a 1-year term and may serve no more than four consecutive terms.

A Typical Year for IAICDV Board Members

  • 2-3 times per year - Board meetings via Zoom video conference (typically 2 hours)
  • 1-2 times per year - In-person Board meetings (typically in Spring and Fall,  in conjunction with the Annual Convention)
  • Participate in e-mail correspondence
  • Work on assigned action items and projects
  • Quarterly Executive Commitee Calls (Executive positions only - President, President-Elect, Secretary-Treasurer and Immediate Past President)