IAICDV Policies

IAICDV Anti-Trust Guidelines

The Antitrust laws prohibit agreements or understandings between two or more individuals or businesses to regulate prices or quantities of goods or services, to allocate customers or territories, to hinder or limit a competitor or potential competitor’s operations, or otherwise unreasonably to restrain business activity. Discriminatory pricing or servicing is also prohibited.

Ignoring these laws can be costly and dangerous. Violation of the Sherman Act is a felony; convicted individuals can be and have been imprisoned for up to three years; corporations are subject to heavy fines. Violators may also have substantial judgments for money damages entered against them. Every individual should, therefore, follow these rules.

Please review the full IAICDV Anti-Trust Guidelines linked here or click the button below to listen to the audio version, then confirm you read and agree to the guidelines.

Listen to the IAICDV Anti-Trust Guidelines

IAICDV Conflict of Interest Policy

This Conflict of Interest Policy of IAICDV: (1) defines conflicts of interest; (2) identifies classes of individuals within the Organization covered by this policy; (3) facilitates disclosure of information that may help identify conflicts of interest; and (4) specifies procedures to be followed in managing conflicts of interest.

Please review the full IAICDV Conflict of Interest Policy linked here, or click the button below to listen to the audio version, then confirm you read and agree to the policy.

Listen to the IAICDV Conflict of Interest Policy

IAICDV Whistleblower Policy

This Whistleblower Policy of IAICDV: (1) encourages staff and volunteers to come forward with credible information on illegal practices or serious violations of adopted policies of the Organization; (2) specifies that the Organization will protect the person from retaliation; and (3) identifies where such information can be reported.

Please review the full IAICDV Whistleblower Policy linked here, or click the button below to listen to the audio version, then confirm you read and agree to the policy.

Listen to the IAICDV Whistleblower Policy